Trailblazer Community


The Trailblazer Community is an amazing network of millions of people who help each other along the journey of learning and succeeding with Salesforce.

Why is the community a game changer for Trailblazers?
How can you engage in the Trailblazer Community?
How can you give back in the Trailblazer Community?

Anyone who wants to innovate and deliver success with Salesforce can be a Trailblazer — whether you’re starting your Salesforce career, reskilling from another industry, or are an experienced leader driving digital transformation.

Millions of Trailblazers around the world are the foundation of the Salesforce ecosystem — an interconnected network of learners and innovators who use Salesforce to build successful careers, companies, and communities.

“When Trailblazers connect with each other through the community, the success multiplier is undeniable.”

Read More Here: What Is the Trailblazer Community
Learn About Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community Here: Trailhead and Trailblazer Community Basics
Learn About Trailblazer Community Groups and Community Conferences Here: Trailblazer Community Groups Basics

Zach Baker